Saturday, February 18, 2012

Week Five: Buzzword- "Vacation"

I can recall my days as an elementary and high school student to a certain extent (they weren't THAT long ago), but I seem to have forgotten one of the key elements in the rhythm of the school year - vacations.  Starting at 1:50pm on Monday afternoon, each and every student flipped the internal switch that started a countdown to vacation.  Lesson learned - you have to be extremely motivated and over-prepared to have a successful lesson once this countdown has commenced.  The week inches on slower than a normal week, with each day seemingly lasting an eternity (for both students and teachers alike!) culminating in the infamous "X-day."  What is "X-day" you ask? Well, it's a made-up day where all 7 periods meet from 7:30am to 10:50am including a lunch block.  Essentially, planning a lesson for 20 minutes is all but impossible, and yet, about 50% of teachers found a way to sneak in that one last quiz, PowerPoint, or activity before the vacation.  
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Taking a more panicked, under-prepared approach, I used these 20 minutes to try and get all students caught up on their missed assignments so that their progress reports would accurately portray their performance at this point in the semester.  The little time that was left over was a perfect opportunity to build a report with the students I might not otherwise have a chance to reach out to during class.  From what I can see, the small inroads made in a side-bar conversation can sometimes be all it takes to connect with students on a level that they can comprehend and to remove some of the stoic teacher image that tends to turn students off to interaction, socializing and humor.
Speaking of humor - I am well aware that not all people will find jokes about history funny, however, that does not stop me from routinely making bad jokes or puns about the topic of the day.  It was extremely gratifying to have one student chuckle at one such bad joke about an image of a party of skeletons from the black plague.

With my second observation under my belt (went much smoother than the first one) I am starting to feel a sense of comfort when in front of the class.  Hopefully, with a week to recharge the batteries, I can head into the next 8 weeks of the semester with a vigor that will keep my momentum going to the end.


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